Our Rector
The Reverend Ross Guthrie
The Anglican Church of the Holy Trinity has called Ross Guthrie as our Rector beginning the last week of September 2019. The Guthrie family will be moving to North Augusta from Jackson, Tennessee where Ross served as Priest of Spiritual Formation at All Saints Anglican Church since 2015. He completed a Masters of Christian Thought at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary in May 2016 and was ordained a Priest in October 2016.
Ross and his wife Katherine have been married for 30 years and have ten children. Six of them are adults: Hannah, Nathaniel, Sarah Lovett, Rebecca White, Susannah Joyner and Myrah. Four children are still at home: Karrah (17), Alaynah (14), Benjamin (10) and Lydiah (7). Katherine has homeschooled their children through middle school. Over the last four years, she has worked as an Aquatic Group Fitness Instructor.
Rev. Ross Guthrie
(731) 694-0600
Our Assisting Priest
The Reverend Theophilus Iwuji
Founding Rector of
The Anglican Church of the Holy Trinity
The Reverend Rob Hartley
Father Hartley is a graduate of Clemson University, Trinity School for Ministry (Anglican) and the Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary, Columbia, SC. He is originally from the Charleston area where he attended St. Andrews Episcopal Church. Prior to entering the priesthood Rob worked for Duke Power in Charlotte, NC as an electrical engineer for 31 years.
Following ordination in 2003 Rob assisted at the Church of the Good Shepherd in Columbia; and was Vicar of St. Johns Episcopal Church, North Augusta, prior to becoming the Rector of the Anglican Church of the Holy Trinity.
Rob and his wife Nancy have two sons, Rob and Jimmy. Rob and his wife Sabrina live in Chantilly, Va. They have one daughter. Jimmy, a priest in the Episcopal Dioceses of Upper South Carolina, lives in Columbia with his wife, Caroline. They have three children.